BunnyMark compiled from ActionScript to HTML5 with Jangaroo

Jangaroo is a cool opensource project that lets you compile AS3 source code into JavaScript, and as it emulates a subset of Flash player features, you can even use it to port existing Flash games and apps to HTML5 Canvas. I talked about my experiments trying to get it working in the first episode of my and Seb's podcast. I wasn't having much luck at that point, but since then Frank from the Jangaroo team has given me loads of help to get all my demos working, even editing my code and fixing parts of the compiler for me! What I think I didn't stress enough on the podcast was that this project is still very much a work in progress / public alpha - I think it has a lot of potential.
So here I present BunnyMark via Jangaroo and HTML5 Canvas!
BunnyMark - blitted version - 30fps (Windows Vista / Chrome) - Pretty fast!
BunnyMark - bitmap version - 8fps - Really slow for some reason. (any ideas Frank?)
BunnyLandMark - blitted version - 30fps - Pretty fast!
BunnyLandMark - bitmap version - 24fps - Not bad.
Here are the source files - enjoy!
BunnyMark - blitted version - consistent 30
BunnyMark - bitmap version - 3 or 4...
BunnyLandMark - blitted version - only 8?
BunnyLandMark - bitmap version - 10
Doesn't exactly match up with how you labeled them speed-wise. Just wanted to let you know.
BunnyMark - blitted version 24-27
BunnyMark - bitmap version 9-12
BunnyLandMark - blitted version 25-30
BunnyLandMark - bitmap version consistent 30
Seems weird and inconsistent with Ben's and your findings...
Browser is the latest version of Chrome.
BunnyMark - 30
BunnyMark - 13
BunnyLandMark - 30
BunnyLandMark - 30
BunnyMark - blitted version - 31fps
BunnyMark - bitmap version - 10fps
BunnyLandMark - blitted version - 4fps
BunnyLandMark - bitmap version - 20-25fps
Chrome 9.0something
BunnyMark - blitted - 30
BunnyMark - bitmap - 14
BunnyLandMark - blitted - 30
BunnyLandMark - bitmap - 30
Seems odd that the Single bunny bitmap would be slower than a bunch of them :S
Good stuff tho
2) 2fps
3) crashed my browser
4) fps
HTC desire, Android 2.2
Regarding BunnyMark, bitmap version, if I remember correctly, that's the one that reuses one BitmapData object for many Bitmap objects, which is not yet supported by Jangaroo's Flash API. Thus, the code computes hundreds of bunnies, but just displays one. So I guess you can safely ignore the results of this benchmark...
1) 30 FPS
2) 12 FPS
3) 29/30 FPS (changes back and forth)
4) 23 FPS
1) Doesn't work
2) Doesn't work
3) Doesn't work
4) Doesn't work
Win XP 32-bit Firefox 3.6
1) 31/33 FPS
2) 9/10 FPS
3) 22/24 FPS
4) 24/25 FPS